Who says you shouldn't use iconic fonts in your designs?

Recently, I read a blogpost about why you shouldn’t use iconic typefaces in your designs. Typefaces can polarise opinions and raise temperatures (especially among type geeks like me), but in my opinion, the author had no idea what he was talking about!
I forced myself to calm down and read to the end of the post. There, I discovered that the author was 18, not old enough to have had any formal training in art or design at an Art College or University.
At that age I was pushing the boundaries much more so than I do now that I’m older and more jaded (how many times has a client told me they want something that is very different and breaks all the rules when in fact what they really want is a replica of something similar that has sold well?).
Many teenagers have bright ideas and produce inventive, wacky typographic artworks (hey, my daughter is one of them), and of course everyone is entitled to have an opinion and air their views, but there is no need to ignore fonts that are classy and have a proven track record.
So, if you want to use Trajan, Futura, Helvetica or Impact – good luck to you, and go for it!