Is your website up to scratch?

Last week I was lucky enough to be commended in the Richmond Business Awards ‘Best Website’ category. During the submission process I thought long and hard about my website. What were its good points? What needed to be improved? My website is a work in progress, and while by no means perfect, it is an important weapon in my marketing arsenal. Here are some questions you could be asking yourself about your own website:
1 Does your website load quickly?
2 Is it responsive (i.e. does it render well on tablets and mobiles)?
3 Is it well designed, reflecting your company branding?
4 Does it have clear navigation which is easy to follow?
5 Is there a call to action on your landing (or home) page (i.e. do people know what to do)?
6 Do you have a ‘free’ download in exchange for an email address?
7 Do you have an interesting and informative blog with fresh content?
8 Are there visible links to all of your social networking platforms?
9 Are there pictures and descriptions of you and/or your staff to make the site more personal?
10 Does your website tell the visitor how you can help them, rather than just broadcast information about you?
If you a small or micro-business in the B2B sector and have answered ‘yes’ to most of those questions, there are still more steps to take. Attending networking events and giving your card to interested parties is still a good way to get people to look at your website – having met you, they may already be well disposed towards you. It’s also good to be active on social media and trail your blogposts there and in your newsletter; people will get to know what makes you tick and whether you will be a good fit.
Building up a relationship with your prospects and establishing your reputation as an expert in your field is crucial if you want to make sales in the future. Your website, in conjunction with real and social-networking, will go a long way in helping you do that.
If you feel your website could be improved, I’d be happy to help you achieve this. Contact me to book a no-strings chat.