How much does packaging affect your buying choices? I makes a hell of a difference to me.

I love receiving Whittard goods.
The box is light but strong. The interior is good quality, featuring the company logo on the lid. There are lovely line drawings on the inside. There is no unnecessary and harmful plastic filler. The coffee is housed in beautiful well-designed boxes.
It’s almost as good as opening your Apple Store purchases when you get home – Apple are masters of packaging.
How well do you package your own products or services? You might have the perfect offering but if it’s not packaged enticingly (a clear and easily navigable website for example) no-one will be tempted to buy. Does packaging affect your buying choices? Your prospects may feel the same.
A graphic designer can help you with your packaging, i.e. the image you present to the world to encourage people to find out more and ultimately make a purchase.
If you’d like to discuss this, do get in touch.
About the author
Annette Peppis leads the team at Peppis Designworks, a creative hub of established publishing industry experts who create books, branding, marketing material and design templates for leading publishers and businesses. Keep in touch by to Annette’s bi-monthly emails.