Graphic Design blog

Articles about graphic design, typography, colour, publishing, exhibitions and London life, with tips on how to improve your designs

Open book featured image

Traditional versus self-publishing

Have you got a book in you? Which way should you go, traditional or self-publishing? Here’s a comparison between the two methods.

Recent Posts

Pantone Peach Fuzz featured image

Does Pantone Peach Fuzz float your boat?

Pantone Peach Fuzz is the 2024 Color of the Year. Find out how Pantone make their choice, view colour palettes and compare with Dulux.

Pages colour palette

Don’t shout! How to style your content without annoying anyone

It used to be normal to use underlining and capitals to style your content, but not any more. What should you do instead?

Pantone Viva Magenta featured image

Pantone Viva Magenta is the colour of the year

Pantone describe Viva Magenta as “a new animated red that revels in pure joy”. But it looks pink to me. How do you respond to it?
